Yakima Aero Bars are more than just beautiful, aerodynamic racks and accessories. It is a system designed to integrate into your vehicle seamlessly and install ingeniously.
Each piece works together to create a work of art more functional and more gorgeous than any rack or accessory on the market.
Whispbar is your vehicle, enhanced for the journey.
Can be viewed instore in Dunedin.
This sale is for the a Black Edition or Silver Yakima FlushBar foot pack & bar set including fitting kit.
Fits straight on the 2011 - 2023 Ford Ranger (and Mazda BT 50). Clamps around the doors
Through Bar System (S17Y & S17YB) also available in store and on this web site
Whispbar Roof Bars - the quiet choice
The Flush Bar seamlessly blends with your vehicle's design while providing superior aerodynamic performance, lowest overall drag and quietest ride available.
- Black finish combines dual protective e-coating and powder coating to provide long-lasting durability
- Protective coating has been UV and corrosive salt environment tested to ensure colour fastness
The Whispbar roof racks are adaptable. The innovative Smartfoot system adapts and transfers simply to virtually any vehicle, making it easy and inexpensive to fit to a different car. (Depends on bar length).
The fundamental discoveries in the development of Whispbar were made during hours of meticulous research and testing in the wind tunnel at the Canterbury University. Without this critical phase in the development of Whispbar it would not have been possible to break new ground in creating the world's first silent roof rack.
* Locks come standard (compatible/interchangeable with all Whispbar and Yakima products)
* ISO 9001
* All Yakima products come with a Limited Lifetime Warranty
Bar Length: S7YB or S7Y, 1000 mm